Deriving justified P/B ratio [CFA level 2]

This page will explain how to derive justified P/B ratio formula:

 \displaystyle  \text{justified P/B ratio} = \frac{ \text{ROE} - g }{r-g},

ROE = return on equity
r = required rate on equity
g = expected growth rate in dividend and earnings


From Gordon Growth Model, we know

 \displaystyle  \text{justified stock price} = V _ 0 = \frac{ D _ 1 }{r - g} ... ①

Using  B_0 = \text {Current book value of equity}, we can express the justified P/B ratio as

 \displaystyle \text{Justified P/B} = \frac{V _ 0}{B_0}

Since next year's earning  E_1 can be calculated as

 \displaystyle E_1 = B_0 \times \text{ROE}

 \displaystyle \rightarrow B_0 = \frac{E_1}{\text{ROE}} ... ②

①÷② gives

 \displaystyle \frac{V _ 0}{B _ 0} = \frac{ D _ 1}{r - g} \times \frac{\text{ROE}}{ E_1}

 \displaystyle \qquad = \frac{ D _ 1}{E_1} \times \frac{\text{ROE}}{ r - g }

 \displaystyle \qquad = (1-b) \times \frac{\text{ROE}}{ r - g }

 \displaystyle \qquad = \frac{\text{ROE} - b \times \text{ROE}}{ r - g } ... ③

where b = retention rate.

Since sustainable growth rate can be calculated as  g = b \times \text{ROE}, we get

 \displaystyle ③= \frac{\text{ROE} - g}{ r - g }